Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Test An App Before Installing on Your Tablet - YouWave

How many times have you install a new app only to find out that it is no good?  Either it does not work as intended or is poorly written or whatever the case maybe.  Sure it is easy to just delete it.  However if you want to test an app in another environment aka your computer, YouWave is your answer.  YouWave is an Android emulator that runs on your Windows PC.  Although one can download an Android emulator from Google themselves, it is designed more for developers and not too user-friendly.

I used this software which is easy to install and it is free.  Just make sure you copy the Android app to the app folder in YouWave so that it can find it.  One other item to note is that not all apps will work.  Certain apps will look for specific hardware functionality.  If the app cannot find it, it will not install.  For example, Angry Birds will not work as the app tries to detect that the processor is ARM-based.  Since your computer's processor is x86-based, it will not install.  The software is not perfect but you can experiment and weed out the crappy apps out there.

Here are some links you may find useful:

Alternative Android App Stores
Brothersoft Mobile - alternative app store

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