There is huge demand for mobile applications as evidence by the various companies asking the audience if anyone is a developer looking for an employment opportunity. Even was present looking for developers for their mobile platform. If you want to make a career change or are currently in school, learn iOS and/or Android. There is no recession in the mobile development field.
With over 50 exhibitors present, there were plenty to present their products and services. Some of the key ones that I found interesting are:
- Appcelerator - a leading enterprise-grade, cross-platform development solution. What does this mean? You can create apps for both iOS and Android using their platform. No need to learn iOS and Android. Download their software and just learn how to use it. You can create apps for iOS and Android significantly quicker than learning coding for each.
- Tiggr - similar to appcelerator except that this is a browser-based application where you can create apps for iOS and Android.
- Zeemote - although this company did not have a booth, I met the Director of Hardware Development who explained the device. Basically, it is a Bluetooth-enabled controller for your mobile device that offers a better gaming experience. Hope to get a unit to test this.
- Social Passport - Users can tweet, like, join or check-in a particular product or store instantaneously by either scanning the QR code or tapping the NFC chip located on a poster. Companies can use this to communicate their brand to new audiences by allowing interested parties to promote their brand via various social networks. Merchants can offer coupons or other incentives. Currently this service is free.
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